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Why 4 in 10 mothers stop breastfeeding by 6 months

Most parents of newborn babies have heard that ‘breast is best’. But although 96% of children are breastfed soon after birth, only 15% of mums are still breastfeeding exclusively 5 months later. So, what’s preventing some parents from continuing to breastfeed,…

Farmer health is about growing awareness

If you are one of the 300,000 Australians who earn their living from the land, you’ll know how difficult and uncertain farming can be. There are health and safety issues, such as working long hours in the sun, or with…

5 ways to make your opinion count when it comes to health

Most people have something to say when it comes to health. From conversations at barbecues to chats with co-workers to social media, people always find ways to share their views about health, wellbeing and medicine (and more). Sometimes it’s useful;…

A 3-Step Process School Leaders Can Use to Grow From Failure

Have you had a fail lately? A professional development day that took an unexpected turn or a student activity that got more eye rolls than applause? As educators, we always aim for innovative, exciting, and relevant learning experiences for our…

Supporting Red Nose Day saves little lives

Every day in Australia, 9 infants or children die suddenly and unexpectedly. The aim of Red Nose Day (Friday June 29) is to reduce this number to zero. By hosting an event, creating a fundraising page, volunteering or buying merchandise,…

Learning Math by Seeing It as a Story

I had always hated math. Now I suddenly found myself teaching trigonometry. I was an English teacher in Chicago Public Schools with certification in special education, and when my school was facing a shortage of certified special education teachers, I…

Why you should take your dog to work

Pets can be loyal, lovable — and they can be good for your health. That’s why office-based workers everywhere will be bringing their canine friends in with them this International Take Your Dog to Work Day, Friday June 22. It’s…

More than 5 million Aussies have incontinence

It’s often the butt of jokes but incontinence is not just a normal part of ageing or motherhood — and it doesn’t go away on its own. It’s incredibly common, affecting more than 5 million Australians — women, men and children. Fewer…

With the healthdirect app, you’re in safe hands

If you’re getting RSI (repetitive strain injury) from tapping health topics into your smartphone, you’re in good company.  Almost 4 in 5 Australians turn to the internet for information on medicines, according to research by NPS Medicinewise. Three in 5 Aussies…

Is butter really better?

Like stonewashed jeans and the royal family, butter is back in fashion. Many people love that it’s ‘all natural’, containing just cream, milk and sometimes salt. But all natural doesn’t always mean healthy, especially if a food is consumed with…