
Swim Together: A new model of co-participation for women and girls in sport

Parents and guardians are frequently left on the “sidelines” watching their children participate in sport. By prioritizing their child’s involvement, adults often don’t participate in sport and physical activity themselves, and their own well-being may suffer (Misener, 2020Opens in a new window). In particular, mothers may view recreational sport for themselves as either a guilt-laden activity or a luxury due to both…

Creating quality sports programs for kids with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) can benefit physically and psychosocially when they take part in sport (Baran et al., 2009, 2013; Weiss & Bebko, 2008). Unfortunately, their needs are often neglected, which leads to various physical, social, communication…

Three recommendations for sport organizations when engaging in evaluation

The sport sector considers evaluation an essential organizational practice. Through evaluation, sport organizations can gain insights and solicit feedback about their programs. Evaluation can also inform decision-making, guide program improvements, and build stakeholders’ value and advocacy for programming (Holt et…

The True Sport Experience: Bringing physical and ethical literacy to life in and out of the classroom

Physical and health education teachers and coaches are experts at helping kids learn new skills. By patiently walking students through each learning step, they build the blocks of learners’ physical literacy. However, sport and recreation experiences aren’t built on physical…

Project Echo: A movement to make Para sport a better place for all

The global COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted inequalities that many people experience, particularly the disparities experienced by persons with disabilities. According to the COVID-19 Disability SurveyOpens in a new window, over 50% of respondents noted that during the pandemic their needs weren’t being met…

Building a culture of excellence in high performance sport

Highlights An organization’s culture involves the values, attitudes and goals that are shared by a group of people. These values, attitudes and goals influence how the group interacts and operates as its members work toward a common goal. Within and…