
The 2 Things You Need on Every Outdoor Run

Sometimes there’s nothing better than ditching the treadmill and running outside. But, with an outdoor run comes the elements. You know the ones: sun, wind, rain, cold. These change how you run, where you run, what you wear and the…

Golfer’s Elbow: How to Relieve Inner Elbow Pain

Your elbows might not be top of mind when thinking about the joints you use the most — unless you’re dealing with pain in the area, that is. Acutely felt during gripping, twisting or lifting, elbow pain can make even…

How to Exercise Safely at Home

Protect your joints Throughout the day, your joints help you move and bear the burden of your weight. During exercise, your joints experience even more movement or even heavier loads — sometimes both — so it’s important to be sure…

10 tips for exercising safely

Almost anybody can safely take up walking, and light to moderate exercise is usually fine for healthy adults with no troublesome symptoms. But do you need to talk to your doctor before taking on a more strenuous regimen? It’s wise…

Mental Health Considerations of the Athlete Transition out of Sport

Eat, sleep, train, recover. It is a familiar pattern for elite athletes who dedicate days, years, and even decades to their sport and the pursuit of excellence. But at some point, no matter the successes and failures that have occurred,…

Keeping Girls in Sport: Evaluating the Impact of an Online Coach Education Resource

International Day of the GirlOpens in a new window is celebrated globally on October 11th, focusing attention on the need to amplify girls’ voices, advocate for their rights, and elevate their position in society. Within the Canadian sport and physical activity sector,…

Esports and Cycling: A Match to Stand the Test of Time

Esports have experienced a meteoric rise in the last few years. According to a recent Reuters articleOpens in a new window, worldwide esports industry revenues are expected to top $159 billion by the end of 2020 with projections to surpass $200 billion by 2023….

Self-Compassion in Sport 101

If you have been involved in the coaching or administrative side of competitive sport, chances are you have seen athletes experience emotionally difficult setbacks. These setbacks can range from devastating performance failures (e.g., “choking” during an important competition), to facing…

Strengthening Collaboration in Canadian Sport: Exploring a Nordic Strategy

Anyone who spends time in the world of sports—competing, coaching, supporting, or spectating—has heard their fair share of inspirational quotes. From “alone we go faster, together we go further” to “teamwork makes the dream work,” the strength of the team…

Movement-based approaches to program evaluation with children

This blog is part of a series in collaboration with Brock University. Written by a student in the ‘Program Evaluation in Professional Practice’ course, this blog draws on a student’s first-hand experience conducting a program evaluation during a placement with the Bounce…