
An Inch Long Is an Inch Strong, How Do You Stretch It to Be Healthier?

As the old saying goes, “one inch longer tendons, prolong life ten years”, many people have a deep feeling about this. As we age, the flexibility of the body’s limbs gradually deteriorate, arms and legs are “stiff”. Perhaps it is…

It’s Amazing How Your Body Changes When You Run Regularly!

When it comes to “running”, many people will think that it is tiring and boring, how can anyone like such a monotonous and torturous exercise? However, there is a group of people who really love running and boast about how…

Fat Burning Heart Rate Zone Guide: Tailor Your Fat Burning Plan

The energy consumed during exercise often comes from the heat generated by burning sugar and fat in the body. When the body mainly relies on burning fat to supply energy, the exercise intensity reached at this time and the heart…

Swimming Acceleration Guide: Make You as Fast as a Flying Fish in the Water

If you want to become a swimmer who breaks through yourself, you must work hard to improve your swimming skills and psychological quality. Practice and determination are key, but most importantly, some swimming skills are required. Swimming practice without technique…

Should You Do Cardio or Weightlifting First?

Whether you’re pressed for time or just want to squeeze more energy out of your workout, you may be asking yourself: Should I double my strength training and cardio on the same day? If so, should you do cardio before…

5 Moves To Improve Grip Strength And Improve Sports Performance

For ordinary people, hand strength is closely related to every move in daily life. Finger activities involve 35 muscles in the palm and forearm. Actions such as lifting things, moving heavy objects, and driving are all inseparable from hand strength….

How to Start a Long Distance Training Program

Since you’re reading this, congratulations. Perhaps you’ve already signed up for a long-distance race. Or, after picturing yourself at the finish line of a 10K, 10 miler, half marathon or even a marathon, it’s your new resolution. You may be…

How to Boost Your Metabolism

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, chances are you’ve wondered about the role your metabolism plays in the process. We all know someone who seems blessed with a fast metabolism, able to eat as much…

How to Avoid Overtraining for a Marathon

When preparing for marathon, it can be easy to fall into the trap of overtraining. Maybe you don’t know (or don’t want to admit) that you’re body needs rest between workouts or competitions. Maybe you’re nervous and think being over-prepared…

5 Tips for Avoiding Sports Injuries

Whether you’re the parent of a young athlete or a weekend warrior yourself, it’s important to play it smart to avoid sports injuries. Dr. Alex Schroeder, orthopedic surgeon at Houston Methodist, encourages athletes to balance their training by playing a…