
How to Improve Your Mental Health

Everyone may suffer from mental or emotional health problems. Just last year, one in five of us had a common mental disorder. However, despite the prevalence of mental health problems, there are many who do not trying to improve their…

7 Ways To Keep Your Heart Young

If you’re reading this article, it’s safe to say that you’re not only interested in learning more about heart health, but also in ways to keep it going strong for many years to come. While everyone is different, there is…

Develop These 5 Simple Habits To Calm Your Anxious Brain

Most people’s minds are noisy, chaotic, and full of self-judgment and negativity.Most people are even a little afraid to face their own thoughts because of the constant onslaught of worry and anxiety.Therefore, we fill empty time and attention with distractions…

Free meningococcal vaccine to help protect Australian teenagers

More than 1 million Australian teenagers will receive a free meningococcal vaccine over the next 4 years, once it’s been added to the National Immunisation Program (NIP) in April 2019.  Meningococcal disease is a rare but life-threatening infection that, if it enters the bloodstream,…

Why contraception fails – and how to choose a method that works

It’s natural to assume that if you’re using contraception, you’re protected against unexpected pregnancy. But new research has revealed this isn’t always the case. In a study in the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA), almost half of women (4 in 10) surveyed…

What not to say to an amputee

Prince Harry has accomplished a lot in recent years: he co-founded a charity to support orphans in Lesotho; he championed mental health issues with William and Kate; and he sealed the deal with Meghan Markle.  His biggest achievement, however, may…

6 myths about cerebral palsy

Around 34,000 Australians live with cerebral palsy – and 1 in every 500 babies is diagnosed with it. But cerebral palsy (or CP) is often misunderstood and stigmatised. Not all people with CP use a wheelchair, have an intellectual disability or are…

Show your support for families living with childhood cancer

It was on a typical Sunday night a couple of years ago that mother-of-three, Simone, noticed that something wasn’t right with her 5-year-old son. As hard as he tried, Hayden couldn’t use his left arm to undress for the bath….

Perfume stinks: how fragrances can affect your health

If you avoid the perfume counter in department stores or wear a mask while cleaning your home, you’re not alone. They may smell sweet, but fragrances can make a person feel sick. About 1 in 3 people report having health…

Take medicines seriously

An estimated 9 million Australians take prescription medicine every day, and many more pop over-the-counter medications such as paracetamol and vitamins. Almost one-quarter of a million people are hospitalised each year due to problems caused by their medication. Medicines play…