
Can Eating More Fruit Really Prevent “Three Highs”? Yes, But Don’t Peel Them.

First, the prevention and treatment of “three high” healthy diet is the most important Chinese saying, called “illness enters by the mouth”. In the triggering “three high” factors, unhealthy diet occupies the main reason. For example, many hypertensive patients have…

Not Only Is This Food a Culinary Must-Have, But Surprisingly, It Can Also Cure Rare Diseases!

Have you ever eaten cornstarch? He is the starch extracted from corn, white slightly yellowish powder, more delicate, usually used as a basting, hanging paste, patting powder, frying essential, but not very suitable for thickening. When we cook chicken, pork,…

A Few Interesting Stories About the Liver

Development of the liver Development of the organ occurs during embryogenesis from week 3 to week 8. Like the lungs, pancreas, and intestine, the liver originates from intestinal precursor cells.At first, liver buds form hepatic progenitor cells, but they do…

Scientists Find Caffeine for Weight Loss

Scientists at the University of Illinois, USA, have found that caffeine may compensate for the negative effects of an incorrect diet as it slows down lipid metabolism deposition and reduces triglyceride levels. A press release on the study was published…

Not All Social Anxiety Is The Same. Here’s How To Combat Each Type.

Social anxiety disorder affects an estimated 15 million Americans, but it tends to work in different ways for different people: Some of us panic and think we have nothing to say in group settings. Others are so worried that people…

5 Easy Health Resolutions That Aren’t ‘Losing Weight’

Making New Year’s resolutions isn’t easy when a pandemic is raging and many factors that affect our health and well-being are beyond our control. Self-care won’t change the anger or apathy many people feel about where we are at this…

Read This If You’re Always On Your Phone Before You Go To Sleep

The vast majority of people use their smartphones before going to bed, and many even use their phones in bed. According to a 2019 study by Common Sense Media, 61% of parents use their phones within half an hour before…

6 Stomach Pains You Should Never Ignore

For most people, stomach pain is a common part of life. But beyond the acute, temporary discomfort we’ve all experienced, there are several forms of abdominal pain that can be signs of serious health problems and shouldn’t be ignored. That…

5 Hacks To Try If You Only Have A Minute To Destress

Even before the pandemic, Americans were among the most stressed people in the world. Then COVID-19 came and hit us even harder. A recent poll might suggest that stress levels have become unbearable just to name one group of Americans:…

7 Signs Your Mental Health Medication Isn’t Working The Way It Should

Finding the right antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication (or combination of medications) requires ongoing effort—a persistence that can quickly disappear if side effects start to appear. Everyone’s brain and body react and process medications differently, so for some people, getting on…