
How to Write a Personal Resume

A personal profile is an important way to present yourself and let others know you. Whether it’s for a career or applying to school, it’s not difficult to write. Method 1: Professional Profile Method 2: Personal Resume for Studying Method…

How To Effectively Prevent School Bullying

Campus violence is also called campus bullying. It is different from ordinary fights between students. It is a bullying behavior among students. This behavior is long-term, targeted, and group-based. Most of it occurs on campus or campus. Around campus. The…

Learning Math by Seeing It as a Story

An English teacher co-teaching trigonometry asked students to explain an equation to a child and to transform discrete problems into a story. I had always hated math. Now I suddenly find myself teaching trigonometry. I was an English teacher in…

Benefits of Online Mechanical Engineering Courses

In today’s fast-paced world, the demand for skilled professionals in various fields is constantly growing. Mechanical engineering, in particular, stands as a cornerstone of innovation and technological advancement. With the advent of online education, the accessibility and flexibility of learning…

Teachers (and Students) Can Only Take So Much

Brains can only take so much. The exact line that marks the boundary between “enough to manage” and “too much” is defined by individual experiences and personalities, but I think it’s safe to say that the last two years have…

An Administrator’s Approach to Supporting Reading Instruction

Teachers and administrators know that reading scores are in the news across the United States, with 2022 NAEP results showing significant declines in student proficiency since 2019. Many variables contribute to this crisis: the disruptions of pandemic learning, inequitable educational systems that…

Why Schools Should Stop Adding and Adopt a ‘Subtraction Mindset’

For educators, the past few years have been punishing. Emerging from the pandemic, they’re now putting in longer days packed with classes but also juggling meetings, emails, grading time, and professional development that often stretch far beyond their normal workday….

Soliciting Feedback Effectively as an Administrator

At the monthly staff meeting, the principal makes an announcement. “At our staff meeting last month, our focus was differentiated instruction. In the feedback, many of you indicated frustration that it was hard to learn about the topic when someone…

5 Ways to Protect Your Time as a School Leader

Have you ever been running late to another meeting or in the middle of a project that requires deep thought, and heard the dreaded words, “Got a minute?”  Don’t get me wrong; I want to be available, visible, and helpful…

Achieving Balance as a Time-Starved School Leader

School leaders are time starved. That’s the nature of the job. We can give everything to our work, and the job will still ask for more. Researchers have found that years of experience correlate with better success for principals; however, at the same…