
Learning Math by Seeing It as a Story

I had always hated math. Now I suddenly found myself teaching trigonometry. I was an English teacher in Chicago Public Schools with certification in special education, and when my school was facing a shortage of certified special education teachers, I…

Why you should take your dog to work

Pets can be loyal, lovable — and they can be good for your health. That’s why office-based workers everywhere will be bringing their canine friends in with them this International Take Your Dog to Work Day, Friday June 22. It’s…

More than 5 million Aussies have incontinence

It’s often the butt of jokes but incontinence is not just a normal part of ageing or motherhood — and it doesn’t go away on its own. It’s incredibly common, affecting more than 5 million Australians — women, men and children. Fewer…

With the healthdirect app, you’re in safe hands

If you’re getting RSI (repetitive strain injury) from tapping health topics into your smartphone, you’re in good company.  Almost 4 in 5 Australians turn to the internet for information on medicines, according to research by NPS Medicinewise. Three in 5 Aussies…

Is butter really better?

Like stonewashed jeans and the royal family, butter is back in fashion. Many people love that it’s ‘all natural’, containing just cream, milk and sometimes salt. But all natural doesn’t always mean healthy, especially if a food is consumed with…

Women don’t need to ‘put up’ with heavy periods

Caroline battled heavy periods for more than 25 years. At times she would have to sleep with a towel underneath her and there were days when she couldn’t leave the house.  It was going for her black belt in Taekwondo,…

How exercise is changing lives

Most people know that physical activity cuts the risk of heart disease and diabetes, helps maintain weight and boosts happiness. What’s less known, however, is its surprising role in the care of people with cancer and other chronic health conditions.  …

Prescription addiction can happen to anyone

Prescription medicines are responsible for more than 2 out of 3 accidental drug-related deaths, making them a bigger killer than illicit drugs such as heroin or ice. In Victoria alone, more people die from prescription medication overdose than from road accidents. Some cases are due…

5 ways to reduce your risk of heart disease

Heart disease kills one Australian every 27 minutes, and 9 in 10 people have at least one risk factor for heart disease. But there are things you can do to reduce your risk and keep your heart healthy, and ways you…

How Interlinking Learning Promotes Critical Thinking in Middle School

Every year around Halloween, our middle school in Spain divided students into four assigned houses, venturing beyond the typical core classes to engage in collaborative activities centered around one spooky concept. One year, it was all about pumpkins; the next,…