
Scientific Weight Loss: Eat Enough to Eat Right to Lose Weight

Did you think that if you dieted, you could achieve weight loss? NONONO! Science shows that skipping breakfast may also be counterproductive! The key word for this issue is “weight loss”. A fleshy face and a small belly motivate countless…

When Taking Aspirin for a Long Period of Time, What Kind of Situation Occurs When the Medication Needs to Be Discontinued?

Aspirin is a commonly used drug to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.But I heard that adverse reactions will occur when taking aspirin for a long time, but the doctor said that you should not stop taking aspirin casually, otherwise the…

An Inch Long Is an Inch Strong, How Do You Stretch It to Be Healthier?

As the old saying goes, “one inch longer tendons, prolong life ten years”, many people have a deep feeling about this. As we age, the flexibility of the body’s limbs gradually deteriorate, arms and legs are “stiff”. Perhaps it is…

Does Late-Night Snacking Increase Cancer Risk? What to Do if You Are Really Hungry in the Middle of the Night? Recommended 5 Types of Food

When you swipe your cell phone at midnight, the thing you fear most is not a horror movie clip, but a food video! Originally, it has been five or six hours since dinner, and it’s time for your stomach to…

Properly Understand Depression, These Are the Major Misconceptions to Avoid!

According to CCTV, depression is becoming the second biggest “killer” of human beings after cancer, and 350 million people are expected to suffer from the disease globally. In order to deal with the increasing number of people with depression, the…

It’s Amazing How Your Body Changes When You Run Regularly!

When it comes to “running”, many people will think that it is tiring and boring, how can anyone like such a monotonous and torturous exercise? However, there is a group of people who really love running and boast about how…

Leg Shaking, Nail Biting …… How Do You Stop These Compulsions?

Whether in the office or in the classroom, there are always some strange idiosyncrasies of coworkers or classmates that are tiresome: shaking your legs, biting your nails, playing with the pen in your hand, constantly fiddling with your hair ………

Can Eating More Fruit Really Prevent “Three Highs”? Yes, But Don’t Peel Them.

First, the prevention and treatment of “three high” healthy diet is the most important Chinese saying, called “illness enters by the mouth”. In the triggering “three high” factors, unhealthy diet occupies the main reason. For example, many hypertensive patients have…

Not Only Is This Food a Culinary Must-Have, But Surprisingly, It Can Also Cure Rare Diseases!

Have you ever eaten cornstarch? He is the starch extracted from corn, white slightly yellowish powder, more delicate, usually used as a basting, hanging paste, patting powder, frying essential, but not very suitable for thickening. When we cook chicken, pork,…

A Few Interesting Stories About the Liver

Development of the liver Development of the organ occurs during embryogenesis from week 3 to week 8. Like the lungs, pancreas, and intestine, the liver originates from intestinal precursor cells.At first, liver buds form hepatic progenitor cells, but they do…