
The Last Thing to Do Before Going to Bed, The Experts Urgently Stop! 4 Problems May Be Entangled with You!

Sleeping is something we do every day; it relieves fatigue and allows the body to recuperate. Only there are always some people who do one thing before going to bed, and this thing may be their last ritual before going to bed. That is to lie in bed and look at the mobile phone, a moment to look at the circle of friends, a moment to look at the microblogging, a moment to play the game again ….. In short, they just won’t go to sleep without playing with their mobile phones for a while.

Only playing mobile phones may also be addictive, after watching one episode of a TV series, you still want to watch the second episode, after watching the second episode, you still want to know the ending. Watching may reach two or three o’clock in the morning, feel just fall asleep was woken up by the alarm clock, had to rush to work with dark circles under the eyes.

Mobile phones have become a necessity in our lives, although a lot of work and study can also be carried out through mobile phones, playing mobile phones can also bring us fun. But playing mobile phones for a long time, especially lying in bed at night playing mobile phones, the harm is really not a little. These hazards will gradually appear with the accumulation of time, I hope you see this article can also reduce the time to play mobile phones.

Affects the body’s normal biological clock

We used to talk about sunrise and sunset, but now more and more people stay up late at night. Lying in bed instead of sleeping properly and choosing to play with mobile phones, tablets or other electronic products, the light emitted by these electronic products will affect the formation of melatonin in the human body. What does melatonin do?

Melatonin has the ability to regulate circadian rhythms and improve sleep. Its secretion is regulated by light and darkness, and melatonin concentrations in plasma decrease during the day and increase at night. The most immediate effect of compromised melatonin production is that it gives us problems with sleep, less time for deep sleep, and a body that is not well groomed.

Chronic strain in the cervical spine

What’s the position for playing with your mobile phone while lying in bed at night? Holding up your mobile phone and stretching your neck? Or lying on your back? Or looking at your mobile phone on your side? …… In short, when looking at a mobile phone the body looks for a position that makes it more comfortable to look at the phone, and as a result, it may cause the neck to keep stretching forward.

By the time you wake up the next morning, your neck may feel sore and your cervical spine less comfortable. Only even then, many people don’t put their phones down but choose to keep playing with them. Over time, the body becomes accustomed to this posture, and a sore neck and whiplash may come to the door.

Vision loss

When I was a child in school, my teacher repeatedly told me not to lie down on the book when reading, and to keep the distance between my eyes and the book at least 30cm. Being too close to the book when reading will affect our eyesight. It’s just that many people forget what their teachers taught them back then when they play with their mobile phones. Especially when you are lying on the bed to play mobile phones, it is more difficult to ensure the distance between the mobile phone and eyes.

At this time, the attention is focused on the mobile phone page and the eyes are attracted to the content on the page. In order to see the content, the eyes will unknowingly approach the mobile phone screen. Lying on the bed for a long time to play mobile phones also causes vision loss. You may not have worn myopic glasses when you were in school and as a result, you now have myopic glasses because of playing mobile phones. Even, it can cause other eye problems.

Have a headache

How can playing with a mobile phone cause a headache? In fact, this is not uncommon among people who play mobile phones for a long time. Some time ago, there was a news report that a retired old man in his 60s had a serious headache because he played mobile phones for more than eight hours a day. Playing mobile phones for a long time, the time for exercise is reduced, the body lacks movement, the whole person’s essence will deteriorate and look listless.

Lying in bed at night playing mobile phones, sleep time is reduced, and the body will show more fatigue. It is not surprising that headaches occur at this time. The easiest way to relieve a headache is to get a good night’s sleep. You should also learn to put down your mobile phone and reduce the time you spend playing with it. When you have time, go outside to exercise more, so that you have a better mental state to face life.

Playing mobile phones bring so many hazards, some people may say that playing mobile phones also have a treasure trove, learn these treasure trove can reduce the harm brought by playing mobile phones. In fact, the most fundamental way to solve these hazards is that you do not lie in bed to play mobile phones, when you want to sleep, lie in bed and sleep well. You can put your mobile phone in the living room, and put an alarm clock in the bedroom that can watch the time.


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