
6 Misconceptions About Eating Roughage

Whenever I ask what I need to bring before I go back to my parents’ house, my old father always forgets his favourite food. He is over seventy years old, and he is very fond of coarse grains. In the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, it is recommended to eat 250g-400g of grains and potatoes per day, of which 50g-150g are whole grains and legumes.

Whole grains and legumes are both coarse grains. Coarse grains are able to retain the B vitamins and dietary fibre in the food because they are less processed. These nutrients can help the body control weight and blood sugar levels, enhance appetite and reduce cancer risk, among other things. However, when it comes to consuming roughage, many people make mistakes. These wrong consumption methods are not only difficult to get the nutritional value of coarse grains will lead to more health crises. The following are common misconceptions about the consumption of coarse grains, have you ever been “hit”?

1 Fine processing of coarse food grain

Coarse grains because of the content of dietary fibre is relatively large, eat up the taste is not very good, many people can not adapt to the taste of coarse grains but want to eat coarse grains, how to do? At this time, most people’s practice is to choose the mode of deep processing, the use of coarse grains to improve the taste of coarse grains. This approach, although improved the taste of coarse grains, but lost more dietary fibre and B vitamins, and refined white rice and noodles in the nutrient content does not have much difference, coarse grains will lose the value of consumption.

2 Eat roughage biscuits to control blood sugar

High blood sugar is not scary, what is scary is the various complications caused by high blood sugar. In order to control blood sugar, many sugar lovers will choose coarse grain biscuits as additional food. Coarse grain biscuits are indeed made of coarse grains, and xylitol is also used to replace sucrose. However, for the sake of the crispy texture of the biscuits, more fats and oils will be added after the production process of coarse grains biscuits. Excessive intake of fats and oils will cause obesity and insulin resistance which is not conducive to blood sugar control.

3 The more roughage the better

Roughage is nutritious, does it mean that the more roughage, the better, more good? The answer is no. If the main food of three meals a day all with coarse grains instead, may cause nutrient absorption problems. Roughage contains insoluble dietary fibre, for iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus and other minerals absorption adversely affected. People with poor intestinal tracts are more likely to control their intake of coarse grains. Excessive dietary fibre may aggravate intestinal disorders and affect health. For the intake of coarse grains, adults should control the daily intake of 150 grams or less.、

4 Sugar added to roughage

Coarse grain buns, coarse grain dumplings and other coarse grain products, quite popular with the people. Only these coarse cereal products in the production process may be added sugar, love to eat sweet is human nature, the slightest sweetness will also let the children fall in love with coarse cereal food. Sugar, however, is also a pure energy food. 1 gram of sugar produces 4 kilocalories. If you eat too much sugar, children may develop tooth decay and obesity, and adults may cause problems with blood pressure and blood sugar. As for obesity, it may also come to your door.

5 Too many varieties of roughage

When it comes to coarse grains, many people’s minds will think of millet and corn, and in the winter time many people have millet porridge for breakfast. Long-term consumption of one or two kinds of coarse grains, the variety is relatively single, nutrients are difficult to achieve a balanced mix. Each food has its own characteristics, diversified dietary structure in order to obtain more nutrients. Consumption of coarse grains, but also to achieve food diversity. Soya milk can be made into five grains soya milk, rice can be made into mixed grain rice, porridge can be made into eight treasures porridge and so on.

6 Eat roughage regardless of body type

Each person’s health condition is different, when eating coarse grains should be based on their own physical condition to choose their own coarse grains, not everyone is suitable for the same kind of coarse grains. If not divided into body type to eat coarse food, may appear counterproductive. High blood sugar sugar can choose buckwheat and oats, peripheral circulation disorders can choose black rice, gastrointestinal tract bad people can choose millet and rhubarb rice and so on.


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