
What Do Diabetics Need to Be Aware of on a Regular Basis?

For diabetics, a restricted diet can be a major pain in the ass. Many people are prone to the plain understanding of avoiding all sugar, however, there are many people who have the illusion in the understanding of sugar, some people are eager to avoid all sugar, some people think that as long as you don’t eat sucrose on the line, in fact, for the diabetic diet, in general, you should pay attention to the two important indices: Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load Index, abbreviated as GL ( Glycemi Load), which are two important indicators of the diabetic diet. Then some people say, besides these two indexes, is there anything else to pay attention to? Today we will talk to you about what diabetics usually need to pay attention to?

01, Glycemic Index GI

GI is an index that reflects the body’s blood sugar elevation index after eating.

After different foods are eaten, due to the differences in the foods themselves as well as the body’s digestion and absorption of the foods, the changes in blood sugar brought to us by different foods are not the same.

As shown in the figure below, the general glycemic index can be illustrated by the area under the blood glucose time curve, and the following are the curves of foods with high glycemic index and low glycemic index respectively.

For diabetic patients, it is better to choose low glycemic index, so as to reduce the impact of blood glucose in the blood after ingestion.

Different foods have different glycemic indexes. Nutritionists have summarized the glycemic indexes of various foods for us, so it is worthwhile to make choices accordingly.

02, Glycemic load index GI

Different foods contain different amounts of sugar for the same weight, which leads to different effects on blood glucose for the same amount of intake, hence the Glycemic Load Index (GLI), which is the product of the glycemic index of a food and its sugar content. Therefore, it is important to consider not only the glycemic index of a food, but also its own sugar content, which creates the overall GL.

Because of this, we need to observe both the GI and the GL when choosing foods for diabetics, and only when both are more appropriate is the food better.

03, Insulin index

There is also another index that is currently being mentioned, the insulin index, which is used to measure the effect of specific foods on insulin secretion, although this concept is currently a work in progress due to the complexity of the research, but it should be used as an important reference for foods in the future.

Seeing this, many of you may find the diabetic diet a real head-scratcher and feel overwhelmed.

It’s actually not that difficult because there are not as many foods that we eat on a daily basis as you might think. Common types of human food is actually very little, staple food is no more than rice, pasta type, meat is also common pig, beef, sheep, fish and chicken and so on, and vegetables in fact, generally do not need special attention, fruit is even more so. As long as you are careful to spend a day to understand, detailed summary of the nutritional composition of these common foods, then in the future to deal with diabetes career, it can be completely unchanged. It’s not okay to be afraid of trouble; after all, diabetes, a disease of a metabolic nature, is a rather problematic situation in itself.

04, How to adjust in daily life?

Not only that, but there are still some adjustments to be made in your daily life.

1, lose weight

Obesity is an important risk factor for diabetes, multiple studies have confirmed that with the prevalence of overweight and obesity, the prevalence of diabetes has also shown a significant increase, which is often behind the metabolic stress caused by obese people cause abnormalities in the body’s glucose metabolism.

In obesity, abdominal obesity is an important risk factor for diabetes, modern sedentary time is getting longer and longer, abdominal obesity occurs in a high proportion, so weight loss is an important part. Research has also confirmed that weight loss can not only prevent the occurrence of diabetes, that is, for people who already have diabetes, weight loss can also alleviate the symptoms of diabetes to a certain extent.

2, change bad habits such as smoking

Unhealthy habits are also risk factors for diabetes, such as smoking is a common risk factor for diabetes, of course, the risk of smoking itself is not to diabetes, but also related to a number of diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, so it is recommended that smokers try to minimize smoking.

3, Balanced diet

This point is actually for diabetics tend to be clearer, but I still want to specifically emphasize, is that, balanced diet is still diabetic patients must strengthen a little. Because diabetics themselves on some dietary restrictions, coupled with their own dietary structure if unreasonable, then it is easy to lead to the body’s nutritional intake is unreasonable, as well as part of the required vitamins, trace elements, such as intake is not balanced, the result will affect the health of the body, so pay extra attention to the issue of dietary balance.

Through the above introduction, we can see that for diabetic patients, control the mouth and open the legs of these two equally applicable, in fact, affect the human health of many are metabolic diseases, control the mouth and open the legs is to deal with metabolic diseases of the daily management of no two ways.


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