
Embracing Both the past and the Future: Exploring “The Bucket List

The movie “The Bucket List” tells the story of the friendship between two elderly people who are terminally ill and sentenced to death by medical diagnosis. It is brilliantly performed by two veteran actors, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.

At the end of their lives, the two old men did something crazy. They made an appointment to realize the things they wanted to do but had never done. These wishes were listed as their “bucket list.”

Attitude towards death and understanding of the meaning of life

The two elderly people did have a breakdown when they received the notice that they had at most one year to live.

For example, Carter’s trembling hands when answering the phone unconsciously threw away the half-smoked cigarette; Edward’s eyes were shocked when he saw himself vomiting blood while tasting cat poop coffee.

When they regained their senses and re-examined their few days, they were full of optimism and sunshine. From Carter’s bucket list, Edward got inspiration, and they wanted to meet up to “enjoy” their last and most beautiful life journey.

From being full of fear and pain of death at first to being able to face the upcoming end of life calmly and calmly. Even though the cancer cells are deteriorating and death is approaching, they do not increase their pain. Instead, they truly experience more beauty in life.

There are always too many regrets in life, and it is these regrets that make up our lives. When you are about to face death, you will realize that you have so many things worth trying in this life, but in the end, you still ruthlessly miss them.

It’s not terrible to miss it. What’s terrible is that in the end you don’t even have the courage and time to regain it, or even you can’t face it at all. The two old men encouraged each other, walked together, worked together, and eventually gained a precious friendship.

Cherish the moment and spend every day happily. Just like the two questions, Carter asked Edward: Have you found the joy of life? Has your life made others happy?

What does happiness have to do with it? It has to do with a person’s inner motivation. The pessimist Schopenhauer once said: “Life is a ball of desires. When desires are not satisfied, they are painful, and when they are satisfied, they are boring. Life is either spent in pain or boredom. A wasted life.”

Even though Edward has billions of assets, he will cry lonely and worry that he will die alone because he cannot feel the warmth of home and family, and no matter how abundant material things are, he cannot satisfy his deeper inner needs.

We can’t always think about waiting until we have money, time, or other conditions mature before we can do something we have wanted to do for a long time because you never know whether you will be able to see tomorrow’s sunshine.

Amit Ray once said: “If you want to conquer anxiety in life, live in the moment, live in every breath.”

When a person turns his attention from external pursuits to internal cultivation, the initiative returns to himself, because he is the one who takes the initiative. There is only one life and one death in life. Live meaningfully and die valuable.

Everyone comes into this world with a mission. At the farewell meeting, Edward said that it was meeting Carter that allowed him to find greater value and have more happiness.

Life is like water, flowing to the same river, to the paradise hidden behind the waterfall. Find the joy in your life, my dear friend. Close your eyes and let the river take you home.

Understanding family love and living a life for yourself

When Carter told his wife that he didn’t have much time left, his wife said this: “I knew we should go to the University of California Hospital.”

She did not understand Carter’s true thoughts but thought about how to solve the problem from the perspective of love and care for her family. But Carter’s own choice was that, at least during the period before his death, he wanted to live as himself.

The conversation between Carter and his son also revealed that there was a lack of communication between the couple, but the son said, “Mom loves you, Dad.”

When preparing to climb Mount Everest, the original plan was affected by bad weather. When Edward persuaded Carter to go home, Carter said angrily: “Do you think I was persuaded by you to come out!”

Even though the catheter bleeding incident occurred, Carter still insisted not to go home. His choice was actually because he could no longer feel himself.

“I always wanted to go back, but 45 years passed by in a blink of an eye.” At the same time, I also lost the ability to feel the other person. “I suddenly couldn’t remember the feeling I had before that I couldn’t cross the road without holding her hand. “.

Two people love each other, but they can’t feel it anymore. This is the most dangerous and saddest part of an intimate relationship. So later, after Carter came home, his wife prayed like this: “Lord, we want to thank you for giving me my husband back.” His wife said: “When he left, he was like a stranger, but when he came back, he was the husband she knew well.”

Love is always there, but both parties are accustomed to the original pattern. They are busy with work and children, but ignore that their closest lover also has needs. Because of this, Carter angrily complained to his wife that for the sake of his children and supporting his family, he gave up his dream of being a history professor and could only work as a machinist for 45 years. He just wanted to live for himself.

Unlike Carter, Edward only fell in love with one person in his life. He had 4 marriages and only had one daughter, but he also lost contact with them. It’s not hate, but love. It’s a father’s instinctive love and protection for his daughter that makes them lose connection. At the end of his life, Edward also achieved reconciliation with his daughter and kissed his beautiful granddaughter. When he left, he was happy and had no regrets.

Most people die in their twenties or thirties, because after this age, they are just a shadow of themselves, and they spend the rest of their lives imitating themselves, repeating them day after day, more mechanically and pretentiously. What you do, what you think, what you love and hate during your lifetime. ——Romain Rolland “Johan Christophe”


What is the meaning of life? There are different answers. Some people say they want to see what he leaves behind. Some people think it depends on his faith. Some people say to judge with love. Others say life has no meaning at all.

I think you can see the meaning of your own life in those who look up to you as a mirror. And what I am sure of is that no matter how you measure Edward’s last days on this earth, they were more fulfilling than most people’s entire lives. I know that when he died, his eyes were closed but his heart was open.

Our life is like a stream, rushing to the misty place above the waterfall, that is the existence of heaven.

This life is very precious, and we should do something for ourselves because there is still too much scenery we have not passed; we need to do more than just do something for the people we cherish…


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