
Hypertension Has Exceeded 300 Million Patients in China! Staying up Late, Stress, Drinking and Obesity Are All Contributing Factors

Hypertension is the most common risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Is this disease curable? What are the manifestations that should be taken seriously?

China’s hypertensive patients have exceeded 300 million

At present, hypertension has become one of the most common chronic diseases in China.

Doctors told reporters that at present, China’s average of every 4 adults 1 suffer from high blood pressure. Usually, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, heart failure, kidney failure, aortic coarctation and other diseases, often and long-term high blood pressure is not controlled.

Jin Zenin, director of the Heart and Large Vessel Disease Center at Beijing Tiantan Hospital: Men over 40 and women over 45 should have regular medical checkups. If you find that your baseline blood pressure level exceeds 90-140 (mmHg), you must be very careful and monitor your blood pressure closely.

According to statistics, there are now more than 300 million people with high blood pressure in China. Among them, early hypertension may be asymptomatic, making people mistakenly believe that the impact is not significant. However, over time, hypertension will have a serious impact on the body’s vital organs such as the heart, brain and kidneys.

Experts told reporters that the absence of symptoms does not mean that there is no hypertension, nor does it mean that there are no risk factors for hypertension. And in the causes of hypertension, obesity is often an important factor.

Beijing Tiantan Hospital heart and macrovascular disease center director Jin Zenning: Obesity will lead to diabetes and lead to a series of endocrine hormone disorders in the body, which will become a risk factor for hypertension.

In daily life, many people think that high blood pressure is a disease that only occurs in the elderly. But in fact, the doctor told reporters that in recent years, China’s hypertension patients have appeared the trend of the younger generation.

In the interview, the reporter found that many people think that hypertension is a disease of the elderly. In fact, hypertension has “targeted” young people.

Reporters in the hospital to see, in the cardiology outpatient clinic to see the prescription of drugs in the patients, there is no lack of young patients.

The latest data show that China’s hypertensive patients under 35 years of age more than 70 million people. Doctors analyze that the main reason for the “aging” of hypertension also lies in the unhealthy living habits of young people today. Excessive pressure in life and work, little daily exercise, drinking, smoking, staying up late, all these factors may induce high blood pressure. Therefore, even young people need to pay attention to and be alert to hypertension.

Tian Ying, Chief Physician of the Heart Center of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital affiliated with Capital Medical University: Young people are sedentary, obese, overweight, and long-term mental stress, and people in our country like to eat a diet high in salt and low in potassium, which has a particular impact on high blood pressure.

It is important to know your blood pressure, and regular measurement is the key!

In Beijing, the prevalence of hypertension among permanent residents aged 18-79 years old reaches 35.3%, and one-third of adults are in the hypertensive group. High blood pressure can cause discomfort and harm, as well as significantly increase the risk of heart, brain, kidney and other diseases.

A serious problem is that many people with high blood pressure are unaware of their high blood pressure status! The city’s hypertension awareness rate is only 52.8%, meaning that about half of people with hypertension don’t know they have the disease. The reason for this is that many people do not measure their blood pressure regularly, and secondly, people with high blood pressure may not have obvious symptoms. However, the absence of symptoms does not necessarily mean that your blood pressure is normal! Therefore, it is important to measure your blood pressure on a regular basis to help us get an idea of your blood pressure level.

Blood pressure, what does it mean?

The blood in our body is constantly flowing. Blood pressure is a measure of the pressure generated when blood flows through the arteries. The pumping of the heart is the driving force behind the flow of blood. When the heart contracts, a large amount of blood is pumped into the arteries, and the pressure exerted by the blood on the arteries is the systolic pressure, commonly known as “high pressure”.

When the heart diastolic, by high pressure and expansion of the arteries elastic retraction, so that the blood can continue to flow forward, but the pressure drops, this time the blood pressure is the diastolic blood pressure, commonly known as “low pressure”.

The level of blood pressure is related to the amount of blood pumped by the heart and the ease with which the blood flows through the arteries. When blood vessels become narrowed or hardened, or when the amount of blood pumped by the heart increases, blood pressure rises. When blood pressure rises to an unhealthy level, 140/90 mmHg, we define it as high blood pressure.

Adults 18 years of age and older are encouraged to have their blood pressure measured once a year, and can take advantage of any physical exams or visits to healthcare facilities to do so. people 35 years of age and older should have their blood pressure measured at least once a year. People with pre-existing risk factors such as overweight/obesity, family history, chronic high-salt diet, chronic excessive alcohol consumption, or those whose blood pressure is elevated but not yet at diagnostic level should have their blood pressure measured frequently.

Patients with hypertension should have their blood pressure monitored according to their blood pressure control.

Can I measure my blood pressure at home?

When possible, you can measure your own blood pressure at home. Choose a certified fully automatic blood pressure monitor with an upper arm that is easy to use.

Do not exercise strenuously before the blood pressure measurement, it is better to take a 5-minute rest. Do not smoke, drink alcohol, coffee or tea 30 minutes before measurement. Empty your bladder if necessary.

During the measurement, sit relaxed in a chair with a backrest and place your feet flat on the floor. Wrap the cuff around your bare arm. The position and tightness of the cuff need to be taken care of. The cuff should be at the same height as the heart, with the lower edge 2 to 3 centimeters from the elbow line, and the cuff should be tightened so that 1 to 2 fingers can be inserted. Press the start button, the sphygmomanometer will automatically inflate and deflate, and you can take a reading.

Is it important to control high blood pressure when you have it, even if you have no symptoms?

You may ask, “My doctor is telling me I have high blood pressure, but I don’t have symptoms, do I need to control it too? It is important to control it, and, very important!

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause many health problems, such as potentially causing serious damage to the heart; causing hardening of the arteries, which reduces the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart; causing rupture or blockage of the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the brain, which can lead to strokes; and can also lead to kidney damage. At present, only about one in five people with high blood pressure have their blood pressure levels under effective control.

There are goals for blood pressure control. Normal blood pressure levels should be less than 120/80 mmHg, and healthy adults should strive to maintain their blood pressure in a healthy range. In the case of hypertensive patients, blood pressure should generally be controlled at less than 140/90mmHg, and depending on the needs of the condition, some patients may be further reduced to less than 130/80mmHg under the guidance of a doctor.

To effectively control the blood pressure level

Hypertensive patients need to do


Consistently practise a healthy lifestyle, such as eating less salt, controlling body weight, exercising moderately, and quitting smoking and drinking, under the advice of a medical professional;


Take antihypertensive medication as prescribed by your doctor, on time and in the right dosage, and do not change, reduce or stop your medication at will;


Monitor your blood pressure regularly;


Reduce stress and control emotions.On the basis of knowing your blood pressure and actively maintaining a stable blood pressure level through reasonable control methods, you can effectively combat the harm caused by high blood pressure and maintain a healthy life.

When treating high blood pressure patients, it is important to stay away from the four myths of high blood pressure treatment.

Misconceptions in the treatment of high blood pressure

1、High blood pressure patients should be vigilant about improper medication. Generally speaking, when hypertensive patients undergo treatment, different hypertensive patients, because the cause of the disease and the situation is different, the treatment is also some differences, at present, the treatment of hypertension drugs are more varied, the mechanism is also more complex, it is difficult to use a unified model to treat every hypertensive patients. Therefore, when hypertensive patients undergo treatment, they should be treated according to the different causes and symptoms of their illnesses, and then the right medication should be prescribed to implement scientific and effective treatment for hypertension. Misconceptions about the treatment of hypertension

2、Hypertension patients are prone to neglecting life conditioning and failing to eliminate the causative factors. Clinically, there are many factors that cause high blood pressure, so that blood pressure control at the desired level, can not rely on drug therapy, must take a healthy lifestyle, eliminate unfavorable triggers, for example, hypertension patients life is not regular, excessive fatigue, sleep deprivation, too much salt in the diet, smoking, alcoholism, etc., if you do not eliminate these factors, the condition of hypertensive patients, it is very difficult to recover. Misconceptions about the treatment of hypertension

3、If hypertensive patients do not cure the primary disease, it is ineffective to take simple antihypertensive treatment. Therefore, this type of hypertension patients, in the treatment, must focus on attention to hypertension treatment misunderstanding

4、Hypertensive patients do not follow the doctor’s requirements to take. Clinically, many hypertensive patients often for various reasons, forget to take medication or do not take medication on time, take medication irregularly, increase or decrease the dosage of medication arbitrarily, some hypertensive patients take medication for a period of time, conscious of the symptoms to reduce or disappear, and then privately stop taking medication, which is detrimental to the health of patients with high blood pressure, patients with hypertension must pay attention to this aspect of the problem.

After the occurrence of hypertension, the patient’s treatment must be in place, for hypertensive patients, only the correct treatment of hypertension, the patient can effectively lower blood pressure, reduce hypertension to bring harm to the patient, and then let the patient get rid of high blood pressure.


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