
High Blood Sugar, 4 Foods Known as Sugar Boosters

For patients with high blood sugar, the most crucial thing to control blood sugar is to be stable. However, postprandial blood glucose is really difficult to control, the slightest inattention to blood glucose will rise, and then only through the hypoglycemic drugs can be lowered. In fact, this is more dangerous. That is to say, if you want to make the blood sugar stable, first of all, you have to control your mouth, eat less food with high glycemic index, especially the following four kinds of food known as “glycemic master”.


The typical representative of high heat, high sugar and high oil is cake. Consumption by patients with high blood sugar will cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, and even the sugar-free cakes advertised in the market under the slogan of sugar-free are also known to elevate blood sugar. Because the elevation of blood sugar does not only refer to the sweet sugar, but also contains starch, fats and other substances that can be converted into sugar, after consumption on the one hand will increase the burden on the pancreas, on the other hand, will have a direct impact on blood glucose, for patients with high blood sugar, diabetes, or less to eat for the better.

In addition, the vegetable cream used to make cakes contains trans fatty acids, a type of fatty acid that is not good for human health. It can make the level of LDL, a harmful cholesterol in the blood, increase, thus leading to a decrease in the level of HDL cholesterol, which can prevent heart disease and is beneficial to the human body, and become one of the murderers leading to atherosclerosis. In other words, trans fatty acids are harmful rather than beneficial to cardiovascular disease.


As the weather heats up, most people can’t resist a sip of fruit juice, and people with high blood sugar can hardly resist the temptation. However, fruit juice is one of the most glycemic masters! Fruit juice in the physical pressing, centrifugation, extraction and other processes will lose the dietary fiber contained in the dietary fiber, and studies have shown that dietary fiber for postprandial blood glucose is to alleviate the role. Because dietary fiber into the human body can not be absorbed by the body, it can not only adsorb fats and carbohydrates, but also to promote intestinal peristalsis, accelerate digestion, and further reduce intestinal absorption of fats and carbohydrates.

In other words, fruit juice will only further accelerate the absorption of sugar in the intestines and speed up the rate of blood sugar increase, which is very dangerous for high blood sugar patients. Instead of drinking fruit juice, it is better to eat fruit, fruit contains polyphenols, such as anthocyanins, catechins, resveratrol, chlorogenic acid, etc., can from multiple levels to improve insulin sensitivity, and then regulate postprandial blood glucose, can to a certain extent to reduce the risk of high blood sugar disease.


Rice can be considered as the main ingredient of congee. Rice porridge is a thin rice that most people prefer because it is easy and quick to make. Although rice porridge is low in calories, rice with 77% of carbohydrates is a high glycemic index food. Its simmering into rice porridge can be said to be a glycemic weapon, rice porridge’s fast digestibility and high absorption rate is not a good thing for people with high blood sugar, because the faster the intestinal digestion and absorption means the faster the blood glucose value rises. That is to say, after consuming rice porridge blood sugar is easy to rise, so it is not recommended that people with high blood sugar often eat.

If the insulin sensitivity in the body is not high, in the long run, the pancreatic islet function is easily damaged and declined. Then, postprandial blood glucose can only rely on drugs to maintain homeostasis, and blood glucose is also easy to rise. Really want to drink congee, you can add some beans such as red beans, mung beans and so on instead of part of the rice, because the beans in the dietary fiber can be neutralized and rice porridge is easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body, improve the body’s blood glucose levels, so as to better control postprandial blood sugar.


Ice-cold beverages of all kinds are a perfect match for hot weather, but beverages, like fruit juices, are also one of the most glycemic. By the same token, the dietary fiber in beverages is destroyed during processing, and no matter which flavor of beverage is inseparable from the word “sweet”. Drinking sweet drinks easy to obesity means that dissolved in the beverage monosaccharides and disaccharides are easy to be digested and absorbed by the body.

Drinking too much drink, will be rapidly digested and absorbed by the body, the body’s blood sugar is bound to rise! Therefore, patients with high blood sugar must resist the temptation brought by sweet drinks, control your mouth in order to control blood sugar, so as to have health.

Post-meal blood glucose in people with high blood sugar tends to be difficult to control and will always rise suddenly after a certain meal. Therefore, hyperglycemic people try not to consume foods with high glycemic index, especially cakes, fruit juices, rice porridge and beverages, which are four kinds of foods known as glycemic masters. If you can’t control your mouth, the blood sugar fluctuation after meals will be bigger, it is undoubtedly a burden to the pancreas, once the pancreas function is impaired, taking medicine to reduce blood sugar is useless. In short, high blood sugar people should eat less of the above four kinds of sugar-boosting food, keep your mouth shut, open your legs, and walk toward health.


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