
Scientific Weight Loss: Eat Enough to Eat Right to Lose Weight

Did you think that if you dieted, you could achieve weight loss?

NONONO! Science shows that skipping breakfast may also be counterproductive!

The key word for this issue is “weight loss”. A fleshy face and a small belly motivate countless foodies to make up their minds to lose weight. Dieting is a popular way to lose weight, and many people skip breakfast every day in the hope of getting rid of the fat on their stomachs.

However, several studies have shown that eating breakfast or not is not very helpful for weight loss. A study of the relationship between weight gain and breakfast intake in adult men over a 10-year period found that “eating breakfast” was a protective factor against “skipping breakfast” in maintaining standardized body weight in the study population.

Those who also ate breakfast had a 23% lower risk of gaining 5kg in body mass over 10 years than those who did not eat breakfast.

A Japanese study of the relationship between community environment and health in older adults found that the risk of being overweight in older adults who did not eat breakfast was more than twice as high as in older adults who did eat breakfast.

In other words, whether you eat breakfast or not, the fat is always there.

It’s also been shown that people who regularly skip breakfast and don’t eat it have a higher likelihood of smoking and drinking. And lack of exercise, all of which are important contributors to obesity.

Because of not eating breakfast, you will feel hungry in the morning when you study and work. By the time you eat lunch or even dinner, you will unconsciously eat more, which is equivalent to making up for the amount of food you ate at breakfast.

At the same time, three meals divided into two centralized consumption, consumption metabolism is slower, it is easy to store up into fat.

“Eat enough to have the strength to lose weight”, although this is a joke, but there is a certain truth, eat enough to eat right in order to effectively lose weight.

You can’t ignore basal metabolic rate for weight loss.

Some people eat very little and still can not lose weight, or after dieting to lose weight, a return to normal diet and immediately gain back.

In fact, dieting can not really lose weight. This is because the basal metabolic rate is not static, when people dieting, the body will feel that their energy is not able to meet their own energy needs, and then reduce the basal metabolism, like from the “energy consumption mode” adjusted to the “energy-saving mode”.

When you diet for a long time, the body’s regulatory system will think that you are in a state of ‘famine’, it will start to protect the body’s ‘energy saving’ mode, prompting the body’s basal metabolic rate down.
With a drop in energy expenditure, it is less likely to mobilize the fat stored in the body, and you will not be able to achieve weight loss. In this case, the doctor will advise the patient to increase the amount of food eaten appropriately to turn up the basal metabolic rate a bit, and then lose weight.

So it makes sense, in a way, to say, “You can’t lose weight until you’re full.” It is theoretically possible to have both food and weight loss.

Since everyone’s energy consumption and metabolic status are different, it is difficult to have a recipe program that suits most people who want to lose weight scientifically and effectively.

In general: eat less high-energy foods, such as nuts, fried potato chips, etc.; choose to eat more coarse grains as the main food, such as replacing white rice with, for example, oatmeal, whole-wheat pasta and low glycemic index foods (such as macaroni, soba, etc.).

Avoid varieties with high fat content, such as fatty meat, beef, lamb, etc., you can eat more white meat such as poultry, fish, etc.; eat more fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables or cruciferous vegetables, such as lettuce, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc., and the fruits should be low-energy ones, such as small tomatoes, strawberries, sambucus plums, and fresh prunes, etc.; and avoid drinking fruit juices.

Remember these diets, you don’t have to starve as much as you can lose weight.

Of course, weight loss is easy to say – keep your mouth shut, open your legs, but many people still shout “I can’t do it”.
In the end, the most important thing to lose weight or really determined to lose weight, rather than three days fishing two days sunshine net.


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