
Can Eating More Fruit Really Prevent “Three Highs”? Yes, But Don’t Peel Them.

First, the prevention and treatment of “three high” healthy diet is the most important Chinese saying, called “illness enters by the mouth”. In the triggering “three high” factors, unhealthy diet occupies the main reason. For example, many hypertensive patients have heavy mouths and a taste for salt, and consume excessive amounts of salt. The sodium ions in salt can “tether” more water, increase blood volume, and induce arterial constriction, raising blood pressure.

The high-fat, high-sugar diet is an important factor in the development of diabetes and hyperlipidemia. The human body consumes too much fat and sugar, will make the body metabolic system because of too much “labor” and disorders, ultimately leading to blood glucose and lipids out of control. Therefore, for the “three highs”, whether it is for prevention or treatment, restoring a healthy diet is the most important thing.

Second, the diet structure leads to nutritional imbalance if asked how to eat healthy? I believe that many people will say a few, such as eating less meat, more vegetables, or do not eat fried food, or do not drink carbonated beverages, or do not eat cream cake …… These theories, although correct, but not completely. In fact, the human body is concerned about nutritional balance, there is no absolute need to avoid food. The root cause of our physical problems lies in the lack of “nutrition” in the food we usually eat.

The Chinese diet is mainly based on refined rice and noodles, supplemented by vegetables and meat. It seems to be a well-balanced diet, but in fact, this diet structure lacks a nutritional element, that is, dietary fiber.

Dietary fiber is divided into soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, soluble fiber can absorb water to dissolve, increase satiety, reduce the amount of food, can be mixed with the starch in the staple food to delay the latter’s decomposition and absorption, to assist in controlling blood sugar. And insoluble fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis, absorption of intestinal cholesterol and bile, lowering blood lipids and preventing gallstones.

But in the daily rice and noodles we consume, most of the dietary fiber in them is lost during processing. So the lack of dietary fiber people, blood sugar in the blood vessels, fat more and more, “three high” crowd is growing huge.

Third, eat fruit to make up for the small details of dietary fiber we want to make up for the lack of dietary fiber, but we have been accustomed to refined rice and flour, in the face of rice bran, bran is difficult to swallow, can only start from vegetables and fruits. Especially fruits, in addition to containing dietary fiber, but also rich in vitamins and trace elements, the human body is a necessary nutritional supplement.

But when people eat fruit, there is a small detail that will affect the effect of supplementation. Fruit soluble fiber exists in the pulp, and insoluble fiber mainly exists in the skin. Many people have the habit of peeling when eating fruit, it will be a lot of dietary fiber discarded. So it is recommended that we eat fruit, the fruit clean, even after the skin with the best results.

Fourth, the prevention and treatment of “three high” should choose what kind of fruit for the prevention and treatment of “three high” fruit selection, there is no special requirements. We eat fruit for the purpose of obtaining the dietary fiber, most of the fruits contain a lot of dietary fiber, such as common apples, pears, peaches, oranges, grapes, etc., can be. So we only buy seasonal, fresh and cheap fruits, we don’t need to pursue high-end and expensive fruits.

To sum up, eating fruit can prevent and control the “three highs”, mainly due to the dietary fiber contained in fruit, even with the skin to eat the best results. If the gastrointestinal function is weak, you can also steam the fruit and then eat, and will not affect the role of dietary fiber. In addition to eating fruit, you can also eat more vegetables and whole grain staples, so that the therapeutic prevention and treatment of “three high” effect to achieve the best.


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