
A Few Interesting Stories About the Liver

Development of the liver

Development of the organ occurs during embryogenesis from week 3 to week 8. Like the lungs, pancreas, and intestine, the liver originates from intestinal precursor cells.
At first, liver buds form hepatic progenitor cells, but they do not originate in their present location, but later extend from the foregut into the surrounding mesenchyme.
This is the “Great Hepatoprogenitor Migration”.
Hepatoprogenitor cells then proliferate and differentiate to form the liver structure with mature liver cells and bile ducts.
When you were a child, your liver was more watery (simple in function).
In the fetus, the liver does not perform the normal digestive processes and filtration of the infant’s liver because nutrients are received directly from the mother through the placenta. The fetal liver releases some blood stem cells that migrate to the fetal thymus and produce T cells or T lymphocytes. After birth, the formation of blood stem cells is transferred to the red bone marrow.

Origin of the Liver

Your liver originated from the little bitty amphioxus. The liver is found in all vertebrates and is usually the largest visceral (internal)) organ. The organ of the liver is related to the digestive tract of the primitive chordate amphioxus. Although it has many of the functions of the liver, it is not considered a true liver but a homologue of the vertebrate liver.

Sources of Cholesterol

No cholesterol if you don’t eat? It doesn’t exist.
The liver produces about 1,000 milligrams of cholesterol per day, which is used to produce hormones, vitamin D, and bile.
A normal person’s body balances the amount of cholesterol produced by balancing the level of lipid cholesterol. But people with high blood fat cholesterol can’t; they have to take statin drugs to lower their fat or their arteries will get clogged.
By inhibiting the activity of the key enzyme in cholesterol synthesis, acetyl coenzyme A enzyme, this type of drug inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol in the cell body. In this way, on the one hand, the liver cells synthesize less cholesterol, the secretion of cholesterol into the blood will naturally be reduced; on the other hand, when the synthesis of cells regulated by the inhibition, according to the feedback regulation mechanism, in order to ensure that the cholesterol balance of the cellular body, the cell will be absorbed from the blood more cholesterol so as to reduce the blood lipid cholesterol.
However, there is no need to worry too much, as long as you are careful not to overeat cholesterol, the liver can efficiently convert cholesterol into bile.

hepatitis D

Hepatitis B and C are very common, globally there are about 248 million people who are chronically infected with HBV and 142 million people who are chronically infected with HCV, but have you ever paid attention to Hepatitis D?
Hepatitis D virus is a “satellite” of Hepatitis B virus, which can only be sensed in the presence of Hepatitis B), and co-infects nearly 20 million people with Hepatitis B worldwide.
Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus is the main cause of liver cancer, but of course hepatitis D is also possible.

Regenerative capacity of the liver

The liver is the only internal organ of the human body capable of naturally regenerating lost tissue; only 25% of the liver can regenerate the entire liver. However, this is not true regeneration, but rather compensatory growth in mammals, which is simply a restoration of function. In contrast, other organs are not so strong, and the lobes of the lungs that were removed no longer grow.
This is why young people used to use the term “liver emperor” when describing a very strong organ.

Liver Diet

No Smoking

Smoking has a huge impact not only on the lungs, but also on the liver. The carbon monoxide inhaled in large quantities during smoking prevents hemoglobin from combining with oxygen, resulting in a lack of oxygen in the body, which further aggravates the damage to the liver.
Also, smoking is associated with liver cancer.
Low-sugar diets hurt the liver (I didn’t think it hh)
In order to lose weight quickly, three meals only eat fruit, but not eat other foods, or “low sugar diet” – a combination of high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, an unbalanced diet to increase the burden on the liver. The liver is responsible for converting the food we eat into a source of energy for the body. Converting non-carbohydrates into energy is more laborious for the liver than converting carbohydrates into energy.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A fights liver cancer. The liver is the body’s “storehouse” of vitamins. When the liver is damaged, the ability of the “warehouse” to store vitamins decreases. Studies have shown that vitamin A can protect the liver, prevent and inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells in the liver, restore normal tissue function, and reduce the recurrence rate of cancer in chemotherapy patients.
Precautions to take when taking Vitamin A:.
One of the important factors in excessive menstruation is vitamin A deficiency, due to the fact that vitamin A is necessary for the production of steroid hormone
Vitamin A is most effective when combined with vitamins B, D, E, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc (zinc is necessary to release vitamin A from liver stores).
Vitamin C has a destructive effect on vitamin A. Especially after taking large amounts of vitamin C, it promotes the excretion of vitamin A from the body. It is important to reduce the amount of vitamin A when you are taking oral contraceptives.
Cod liver oil is the richest source of vitamin A commercially available.


Selenium is known as an important “liver protection factor”, selenium supplementation can make the activity of glutathione peroxidase in the liver to reach the normal level, which plays a good role in liver health and protection.


Foods listed as cures for liver disease are nymph soup in China and lemon in foreign countries. Honeysuckle and licorice can also be purchased from Chinese herbal stores and decocted with brown sugar. In addition, Angelica sinensis, Radix et Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Radix Scutellariae, Gardenia jasminoides, Mangosteen, Antelope Wine, and Dandelion are also known to detoxify the body. Wolfberry, chrysanthemum tea is also beneficial to the liver.
Insulated cups of goji berries said is its protective effect on the liver.
Well, this is today’s sharing of liver knowledge, liver is a very important organ, liver from time to time to do, to maintain good habits.


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