
5 Hacks To Try If You Only Have A Minute To Destress

Even before the pandemic, Americans were among the most stressed people in the world. Then COVID-19 came and hit us even harder. A recent poll might suggest that stress levels have become unbearable just to name one group of Americans: parents, teachers, health care professionals, teenagers — the list goes on.

Of course, no one can self-care their way through this extremely difficult time, and if you’re overwhelmed, you should contact your primary care physician or mental health professional as soon as possible.

But if you just need a way to cope with those ultra-stressful moments and reset your mood, here are five incredibly simple strategies that might help—and take just 60 seconds or less. Try them all and see which one works for you.

1. Imagine someone you really love.

You can do this if you’re waiting for the subway, waiting for the elevator, or just unloading the dishwasher. Think vividly about someone you truly love, it could be your child, your partner, a friend or even your pet.

Remember what they look like, how they smell. Think about the comfort they bring you or how you feel in their presence. Think about how much you love them.

Researchers have found that relationships are one of the four pillars of personal happiness, and simply paying attention to someone in this way can be enough to help you enter a calm, happy state and cultivate connection.

2. Schedule your personal worry time.

If you feel like your anxiety is really overwhelming you, a simple “trick” is to write down designated times of anxiety.

Many people experience anxiety during the day and night, and everything around them is anxiety-related. What if you could put those worries aside and then take them down at 12 noon for 20 minutes?

People often think that if something pops into their mind, they have to worry about it then and there. But that’s not the case, Leahy said. Instead, it helps to schedule a time on your calendar when you can sit down and really dwell on your worries—and by the time you do, some of them may have gone away.

So if you haven’t scheduled designated worry time, go ahead and add it to your calendar. You’ll feel better when you know you’ve taken steps to manage your stress rather than trying to ignore it or let it control your life.

3. Throw yourself a dance party.

Okay, this might take two to three minutes, but if you feel like you need to calm down, put on a song you like and dance your heart out. Research shows that both music and dance can reduce stress and increase happiness.

If you don’t feel like dancing—or you can’t do it—just move your body for a minute. tension. Jumping up and down. Maintain a yoga pose. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could even do a short yet energizing chore! Try anything that helps your body release feel-good hormones like dopamine, which will get you out of your own head. (Bonus points if you get active while listening to a song you really like.)

4. Try a three-breath hug.

This method may be especially helpful if your stress is caused by a child having a meltdown, but it really works well when you’re with friends or loved ones and want a hug.

Here’s how it works: During a stressful moment, give your child or partner (or whoever you’re with) a “big bear hug” and then take three big inhales and three big exhales simultaneously.

It is an effective stress reliever for several reasons. For one, numerous studies show that deep breathing can promote feelings of calm. Additionally, touch can relieve feelings of anxiety.

5. Change your phone’s wallpaper.

Another way to get your mind off your worries and develop that all-important sense of connection again is to look at a photo that makes you truly happy.

Think about how often we reach for our phones every day. I think it’s been over 200 times, so put something that makes you feel really good, whether it’s a picture of your pet, a friend, some scenery that really moved you, or even a great meal you had recently. Then change it often as your brain adapts to what it sees.

Target? You want something on your phone that excites you a little or makes you smile when you see it.


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