
Refreshing Secrets Revealed: Keep You Refreshing All Day

It’s not easy to stay fresh and clean from the moment you wake up in the morning until you come home at night. If you’re on the go or the weather is bad, it can be hard to stay fresh. However, if you follow these tips, carry a few essentials with you, and clean up every few hours, you can stay fresh from the shower all day long.

Start a New Day Refreshingly

Take a shower. Take a shower after getting up in the morning. Your body’s hormones automatically determine how often you need to shower. Most people bathe once a day, but if you exercise a lot or the climate is humid, you can bathe twice a day. If you live in a temperate zone and have dry skin, it is advisable to take a shower every two days. In short, bathe often to keep smelling fresh.

  • You don’t have to use the strongest body wash. You should choose a soap that suits your skin type to avoid overly drying your skin after washing. Choose gentle bath products that can be used every day.
  • You should take a bath once a day, but you don’t need to wash your hair every day. Washing your hair every day will destroy the natural oils in your hair, causing it to become dry and damaged. Use dry cleaning spray on days when you don’t wash your hair. It’s a powder that absorbs oil and leaves hair looking dry.

Use deodorant. Did you know that only 2 percent of the world’s population does not have the gene for body odor? Apart from this small group of people, everyone else should use deodorant to prevent overpowering body odor. Use deodorant after bathing.

  • If you sweat a lot, you can use antiperspirant to keep your body dry. Use with caution, though: In recent years there have been claims that the aluminum contained in antiperspirants may cause breast cancer. While experts say this claim is unfounded, it’s worth noting if you use it every day.
  • Pure natural deodorants are more popular nowadays, but many people find that they are not long-lasting and lose their effect after a few hours. Homemade coconut oil deodorant lasts longer, absorbs quickly, and leaves skin feeling dry. Just mix 6 tablespoons of coconut oil, 4 tablespoons of baking soda, and 4 tablespoons of cornstarch. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and simply apply some to your armpits to use.

Use talcum powder to absorb moisture. If your skin is oily and sweats a lot, you can apply talcum powder after drying it after showering in the morning. It absorbs excess moisture. You can keep a small bottle with you and use it as needed during the day.

  • Apply to feet, armpits and other areas prone to sweating.
  • You can use baby powder, or you can make your own by mixing cornstarch with your favorite essential oil.

Wear clothes made of breathable fabrics. The current generation is luckier because polyester is out. Polyester fabric is uncomfortable and itchy to wear because it is not as naturally breathable as face and hair. Polyester has a heavy texture and is now gradually being replaced by other synthetic fabrics. If the clothes you wear are not breathable, you will sweat a lot and become sticky.

  • Clear out clothes from non-breathable fabrics in your closet. Purchase more clothes made from natural fibers, such as cotton.
  • Organizing your wardrobe is also an important way to stay fresh. With a tidy wardrobe, you can quickly find clothes that suit the temperature of the day. Instead of wearing a thick pullover sweater when working, wear a cardigan that is easy to take off when it’s hot.

Watch your feet. If you tend to have sweaty feet, you should wash your feet in the morning, dry them, and use talcum powder. Choose the right shoes for the weather. If you wear boots in the summer, your feet will sweat and smell bad. Remember to wear socks as they can absorb sweat from your feet.

  • Purchase specialized sneakers. Don’t wear your tennis shoes at the gym to play with friends. The sweat you produce during exercise will make your sneakers smell like sweat.

Keep your breath fresh. The best thing to do is maintain oral hygiene. Floss once a day and brush morning and night with a comfortable toothbrush. Get your teeth cleaned every six months to remove tartar and prevent bad breath and other oral problems.

  • Mouthwash is a great helper. Use an antibacterial mouthwash several times a day to kill oral bacteria and prevent bad breath.
  • Drink more water. In addition to brushing your teeth, drinking plenty of water is also a good way to clean your mouth. Drinking water can flush away food particles in the mouth and prevent them from accumulating and causing bad breath.

Daytime Remedy

Change clothes if necessary. If you exercise a lot, it is best to bring changeable clothes to avoid body odor caused by sweating. Keep a tote bag in your car with a few essential items. for example:

  • Sock
  • Shirt
  • Underwear

Fix your hair. Running around in the wind and rain can easily mess up your hair. Carry a comb with you in case you need it. You can also bring a small bottle of spray to moisturize and style your hair.

  • If your hair is prone to oiliness, use a dry cleaning spray. Spray some on greasy areas and use a digital comb to remove the powder after a few minutes.
  • Or tie your hair into a ball or ponytail, which will instantly make you feel refreshed.

Use wet wipes for a quick clean. If the climate is humid and you don’t have time to take a shower, you can use wet wipes. Choose unscented ones, otherwise the smell will be too strong. Clean with a wet wipe before using deperspirant.

Brush your teeth after lunch. Wear a portable toothbrush and toothpaste and brush your teeth after lunch to freshen your breath in no time. Or spray some mouth freshener or chew gum.

Be careful before your period. The worst thing is that my period comes suddenly and I don’t bring a sanitary napkin. A few days before your period, remember to bring sanitary napkins in your bag. Prepare enough for one day’s use.

  • Do not use private perfume. Chemical products may trigger vaginitis. Use warm water or unscented wipes to clean.

Don’t Do These Things

Don’t use too much perfume. A little light fragrance will keep you fresh. However excessive perfume can be counterproductive. If you sweat a lot and add a heavy perfume, it will smell even worse. Better take a shower, or if you don’t have time, clean it with a wet wipe.

Stay away from foods with strong smells. Foods such as onions, garlic, and pizza sauce can leave strong flavors behind, so you’ll want to watch your diet. Eat salads, fruits and vegetables and other foods with low smell. These foods also reduce body odor.

  • Learn which foods may cause you indigestion. Common ones include beans, oils, and cruciferous vegetables.
  • Spicy food can make you sweat more.

Don’t neglect personal space. If your bedroom, car, and other places where you spend most of your time are not clean, it will leave you with a bad smell. Suppose your room is very messy and your clothes are never hung up, and they will become wrinkled and moldy. You should do this:

  • Separate clean clothes from dirty clothes and put dirty clothes in separate covered clothes baskets.
  • Vacuum often, especially if you have pets.
  • Clean the inside of the car.
  • Clean the office and other places where you spend a lot of time every day.


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