
How to Whiten Your Teeth

Bright white teeth make your smile more youthful and charming. Teeth whitening is safe and effective when done correctly. Please see the following steps for details.

Explore Various Ways to Whiten Your Skin

Baking soda. Toothpaste containing baking soda has whitening properties. The free radicals in baking soda can penetrate tooth enamel and clean stains. Dip a little baking soda into the toothpaste and brush your teeth for a few minutes.

  • There is some debate over the safety of baking soda. It does whiten teeth, but some have suggested that baking soda can damage tooth enamel. For safety reasons, do not use this method for a long time.

strawberry. Delicious strawberries contain malic acid, which fights stains. Dip a strawberry into baking soda, apply it on your teeth, and wait for 5 minutes. Then brush your teeth.

  • If the stain is stubborn, rub the strawberry back and forth on your teeth several times to increase the contact surface, and then rinse your mouth with water.

Coconut oil or apple cider vinegar. Some believe they are also natural whitening agents, but the jury is still out. Use them as mouthwash or apply them to your teeth and leave them on for about 10 minutes. Then brush your teeth.

  • But you cannot rely entirely on these methods. It takes 1-2 months to see results.

Buy a whitening kit. This will be more convenient. Your local drug store or major supermarket should have teeth whitening kits available. Prices vary, but all claim to be effective. You can try it.

Purchase a teeth whitening kit from your dentist. Dentists have access to effective gels and trays that are not available at regular pharmacies. Even if he doesn’t have it himself, maybe he knows where it is.

  • Specialized teeth whitening gels and trays are very effective, but the disadvantage is that they may not necessarily fit the size of your mouth. If you have a unique chin, there may not be a suitable size.

Professional whitening. Professional teeth whitening technology has now been developed. Some need to be performed in a dental office, while others can be used at home. Listen to your dentist’s advice.

  • This is the fastest method and the most expensive.
  • For stains that are difficult to remove, there are also beautification methods such as porcelain glazing.

Routine Care

Brush and floss on time. The basic measures to prevent dental problems are still these two. Brush your teeth before going to bed, after getting up, and after meals. Food remaining in the mouth can cause staining of teeth, but if you brush your teeth immediately, there will be no impact.

  • Brush your teeth for 2 minutes each time. The tongue and gums should also be cleaned.

Use whitening gum and mouthwash together. Brushing and flossing are the most basic, but the more you pay attention to them, the better you can keep your teeth white. Use whitening gum and mouthwash after eating non-meal meals. Paying attention to some things is good for your health.

  • None of these measures will have a significant impact on its own, but when used in conjunction with brushing and flossing, a small amount adds up. Good little habits are like the icing on the cake.

Eliminate all forms of tobacco. Includes cigarettes, pipe tobacco, cigars, chewing tobacco, or snuff. All of these are harmful to health and teeth. Chewing tobacco or snuff is no better than cigarettes. They contain at least 28 carcinogens and are more addictive than nicotine. So don’t touch them all.

Reduce coffee and tea intake. If you must drink in the morning, use a straw to keep your teeth out of the way. If you can’t do that, it’s best to quit.

  • Coffee with milk and foamed milk is no better and still contains ingredients that stain tooth enamel.

Fillings. Cavity repair is now common. Amalgam is unsightly, so if you can afford it, it is better to use a material that is the same color as the original tooth to repair it.

  • Cavities can also be replaced with ceramic crowns. Consult your dentist specifically.

Visit the dentist frequently. Clean your teeth and keep your smile bright. Regular visits to the dentist can also help early detection and resolution of oral problems.

Wear blue clothes. Use blue for whitening, like a navy turtleneck and blueberry lip gloss. Of course this doesn’t solve the underlying problem, but it’s a good first aid.

  • Don’t use matte lipstick or lip gloss, as this will make your teeth look dull. Choose pearlescent ones.

Eat crunchy foods. Apples, green beans, celery, carrots, broccoli, etc. Crisp fruits and vegetables can have a friction and decontamination effect. When you finish your coffee and don’t feel like brushing your teeth, eat an apple.

  • And these fruits and vegetables are very good for health.


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